dimarts, 12 de juny del 2018

A for and against essay- UNIT 8


Instagram is a very popular app for teenagers and different people around the world. We can share photos with this app and follow your friends, but it has some advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, you can share: photos that you like. In addition you can choose your friends if you choose the private option. Nevertheless this people can't follow you. Furthermore, you can hack your likes and the number of people that follow you.

On the other hand, you can loose your photos and identity. In this app you follow people but also you don't know if they are real or fake.

In my opinion, Instagram is a good app. It has different advantages and disadvantages. Although you don't know if people that you follow are real or fake and I don't like this idea but you can communicate with people around the world.

A personal profile- UNIT 6


John Christopher Depp II is an American actor, he was born on 9th of June in 1963 in Owesboro, Kentucky. Now he lives with his family in Los Angeles, California. He is well-known because he is a very famous actor and he played the role as Jack Sparrow, the famous character about Pirates of the Caribbean.

Johnny Depp started his career in a TV show in 1980 and then he become very famous with the film "Edward Scissorhands". The most famous films about him are: "Pirates of the Caribbean","Charlie and the chocolate factory" and "Alice in Wonderland".He's best friend is Tim Burton and he collaborated on nine films with Johnny. 

He is mod, very funny and a good person. He has visted many times different hospitals in Los Angeles and he might got dressed with Jack Sparrow's clothes. His characters are always funny and he has a lot of fans. He won: The Golden Globe award and screen Actors Guild Award for best actor and later he won a Guiness World Records because he was the highest paid actor. He couldn't win an Oscar with his films but, he can win one in the future.

I think Johnny Depp is the best actor and he is my favourite actor. I love his films and his different characters because they are very funny. My favourite character is Jack Sparrow, I like him because I think that he is a different character than others.

Resultat d'imatges de johnny depp

A formal letter- UNIT 5

17 Riu Flamisell street
Balaguer, Spain

5th April 2018
The manager

Dear sir/ madame
On 1st April, I bought a laptop (Acer 3000, black and white, 450€) in Electronic.s online shop

I write this letter because the laptop doesn’t work. When it was opened , the screen was broken and it doesn’t work. It wasn’t charge and I want to have a refund.

If isn’t possible to change it, I would like to repair the laptop in Electronic.s shop or it is possible return the money. Thank you very much for your time and I look forward your reply and a solution to this problem.

Yours faithfully,


Ares Rodríguez